Monday, November 9, 2009

Decisions, decisions

During the times that my computer chooses to not cooperate, I was able to do a little research on becoming a foster family. We even requested information from Bethany Children Services. There is SO much do to in order to become a foster family and I cannot WAIT to get started.

Craig & I have completely different personalities when it comes to life. He's a 'information' gatherer before he makes a decision. I, on the other hand, like to jump in with both feet and THEN look back. What a blessing that God put us together - we certainly DO balance eachother out.

Anyway, the more I read about fostering the more I know it's a direction we should head. Even the kids are excited - of course, Justin needed to be convinced that we weren't putting HIM in a foster home. Crazy kid!!!

So, the process begins. Just some paperwork to fill out for now. Then some training classes. It will be a long process but worth every second just to shower our love on a child who needs it.

Many blessings,

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