Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Fill-ins

I've been wanting to blog today, but wasn't sure what to write. Thanks to my friend, Elizabeth, I can have a little FUN!! I decided to join in on the fun with Friday Fill-Ins.

1. Pickles _____________.
2. _________ at home.
3. The snow is __________.
4. _____________ in nature.
5. It's 5:16 PM; that means ______________.
6. ________ is hard to find.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


  1. Pickles are yummy on a Chik-fil-a chicken sandwich.
  2. I love being at home.
  3. The snow shouldn't be falling in GEORGIA!
  4. I see God's love and beauty in nature. (I'm gonna borrow Elizabeth's answer on this one)
  5. It's 5:16 PM; that means Chelsea should be starting her homework .
  6. A true friend is hard to find.
  7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing in front of the fireplace, tomorrow my plans include spending time with my family and Sunday, I want to go to church!
Have fun!!!!

Many blessings,

1 comment:

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

thanks for joining in on the fun!
Have a blessed weekend!