Sunday, February 19, 2012

Song of Solomon 6:3

I don't even know how it started... actually as I type this, I just remembered.

It was our 11th wedding anniversary. I decided to be cheesy traditional and buy The Mayor a gift that represented the anniversary. You know, 11th is the STEEL anniversary. I came across a nice wedding band with an inscription inside which read "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine". I liked it, it was in my price range and The Mayor needed a new wedding band (since he had lost so much weight since we were first married).

Here we are, getting ready to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary and we still cling to this Bible verse. In fact, for Valentine's 2012 he had this beautiful painting created just for me.

It's beautiful!!! It was made in the colors of our bedroom. I cannot wait to find a place to display it. It will be a daily reminder of The Mayor's love for me. Of our marriage. Of the struggles we've encountered and the trials we have endured. To think that the word divorce was once in our vocabulary... and now, it's the furthest thing from our minds.

I'm not saying we have a perfect marriage... far from it. But I am saying that we are fully committed to making our marriage work. We have come a LONG way, but still have a way to go.

I love being loved.... I love being The Mayor's wife!

Many blessings,

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