Monday, July 19, 2010

Vacation 2010

Day one of our vacation. Driving from Georgia to Orlando. Not going to see the Mouse, just getting away from some relaxation as a family.

Surprisingly, I've been awake for most of the trip. So far, Florida is flat, hot & muggy. ACK!!!

One thing that I've noticed on my family road trip is that the scenery ISN'T family friendly. Every other billboard sign is for an adult store or $tripper club. Makes me thankful that we've invested in a DVD player & DS games. Hopefully my kids haven't taken notice.

As a kid, though family trips were few & far between, we would play the 'alphabet game', using billboards & exit signs for the letters. We would have to wait a while to find the letter x. Letter z wasn't found until we hit Buzzard's Bay.

Yet our trip today, we would have completed the game before letting out of the state of Georgia, thanks in part to X-mart and other adult establishments.

Instead, Craig has taken to 'playing' the license plate game....

Here's to a restful family vacation.

Many blessings,

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