Thursday, August 6, 2015

Back to school - 2015

Today marked back to school for my crew. Songbird had the last first day of school - she's a senior. Cool Breeze started his sophomore year. It's an exciting time at our house.

However each school year always brings in that little twinkling of doubt. Am I doing the right thing by sending my children to public school? Should I be homeschooling? This doubt started years ago when a 'friend' stated "What kind of Christian mother are you that you aren't homeschooling". That statement obviously injured our friendship.

The Mayor and I sought out wise counsel shortly thereafter. I mean, we don't want to do the wrong thing. Thankfully our wise pastor told us that he has never seen "Thou shalt home school" anywhere in the Bible. We were good.

I am a big believer in public schools. Are there bad public schools? Of course. But there are also some great ones out there. As parents, it is OUR job to advocate for our children. Don't like something - do something about it. Don't get me wrong. I am not against homeschooling. What works for one family may not work for another. I have the utmost respect for families who do home school. I know that I am not organized enough to do it.

Getting back to today. As my children left, I wondered - 'should I be homeschooling?' Every time I ask myself that question, God always gives me a clear answer - NO. My children are exactly where they are supposed to be. Each year He reveals this answer through the teachers they get. Once again, He did that today.

I can rest a little easier this year.

Many blessings,