Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Breathe on me

Hold on to your hats ladies & gentlemen!

The other day was a CRAZY one for me. I think was IN the car more than I was home. Between picking up & dropping off a friend's child, my doctor appointment & unemployment - I wasted enough gas to heat a small home.

Yet, God used those moments to inspire me. I have a radio on my car & always listen to our local Christian station: 104.7 The Fish. For some reason, the song "It Is Well" kept popping in my head.

Once I got home & was finally able to settle in, I hopped on the computer to catch up on today's happenings (Facebook, blogs, Twitter). Lo & behold, I saw a post from one of the worship leaders at church about a new video he uploaded to YouTube. Todd Fields uploaded "It Is Well". HAS to be a God thing!!!

While listening/watching his version of "It Is Well", I decided to check out a few of his other videos. I stumbled across "Breathe On Me" written by Todd Fields, Christy & Nathan Nockels.

Listening to it, I realized that it's one of my favorite Todd Fields songs. The words are so simple yet powerful.
Find me here, in this place
Son of God, Saving Grace
At this hour, all my days
Breathe on me, breathe on me

Morning star, shine Your light
As I walk through this life
God of power God of might
Breathe on me breathe on me

Forever, you are the reason for living

Merciful Savior unending
Breathe on me

When I’m weak, You are strong

Your breath in me will be my song
In You my King, I belong
Breathe on me breathe on me

Forever, You are the God of my story

Write every line for Your glory
Breathe on me

Breathe on me, breathe on me I am weak, You are strong Your breath in me, be my song When I am weak, You are strong You are strong
When I am weak, You are strong - POWERFUL!!! This song ministers to my soul making it cry out to my Father, asking Him to use me in whatever way He sees fit.

If you can, take a moment to play the video & listen to it... make it your prayer.

Many blessings,

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