Saturday, August 29, 2009

Today's the day

A few months ago, I stumbled upon a great site for Mom's & daughters (ages 8-12): Secret Keeper Girl If you haven't had a chance, please swing by this site & check it out ~ especially if you are the Mom of a preteen girl. Dannah's site is all about keeping our young girls modest & showing them that it isn't what's on the OUTSIDE that counts, but the inside is what really matters.

Backed with biblical principals, modern fashion & a heart for this subject, Dannah's site is perfect for Moms & Daughters alike. There's SO much for your girl to do & so much for a Mom to learn. I like to pair it with Ginger Garrett's "Queen Esther's Secrets of Womanhood".

Where am I going with this? Why, to Macon of course! Yep - today is the Mother/Daughter Secret Keeper Girl conference at Ingleside Baptist Church. Chelsea & I are heading further south with friend Faith & her Mom, Amy. Our own version of Thelma & Louise - only we won't be driving over a cliff and will have kids along.

Pictures & a blog to follow - of course! Make sure you check back to hear about our adventure!

Many blessings,

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